Tuesday, November 29, 2011

it's a journey...

... not a sprint. At least that's my attitude this time around. So that means I enjoyed the pies, the turkey, the stuffing, the gravy, the dinner rolls, the sweet breads... I took it all in and loved every bite. As I said I would, I exercised many times throughout the week. Not exactly as I had mapped out, but planning for it definitely made me stay on track more than when I just tackle the week willy-nilly.

But to stay accountable, I'll also post my stats. I ate like a pig and gained .4#'s this week. Still manageable. And considering I haven't gained since I started 14 weeks ago, I've cut myself a little slack.

Here's to hoping you enjoyed time with family over this past week, and here's to getting back on track and healthy choices!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Can I just say that adding a video to this blog post was a nightmare?? What a learning experience! Anyway, that's why this is getting out later than normal :)