Wednesday, February 1, 2012

chipping away...

... at me! I'm down another .6#'s this week. I was shooting for 1#, which would have brought me to where I was around Thanksgiving. Seems like eons ago, doesn't it? But when you consider I gained only 3 #'s over 3 holidays {and parties that outnumbered that} I'd say I did okay. Not to mention that I didn't start loosing again until early January, I have to remind myself that any loss is chipping away at my weight and getting me to my ultimate weight goal.

I still have the goal to be a certain weight {not mentioned here} by Feb 14th. I need to loose another 7.2 in the next 14 days. Probably not entirely feasible, but I'm still going to

Shoot for the moon, so I'll at least land among the stars.

{a quote I heard often while in Mary Kay}

Because, whatever I end up actually accomplishing will still bring me closer to the goal than if I gave up now because it was too lofty. Right? And that can apply to any goal, dream or desire. Try. What's the worst that can happen? Where else am I applying this mentality? Debt. We have some, and I hate it. So this year we resolved to put future projects on hold until we get the debt paid off so we can move forward uninhibited. And no matter the problem or goal, big or small, taking it one day... week... month... or small step at a time will get you closer than if you sat on your hands and it remained a thought.

Ok, that got more philosophical than I had intended, but I guess it was in me and had to come out. Oh, and there will be no photo this week. In an effort to get this blog post out in a timely matter, I wanted to upload it today and unfortunately I have a sick little one to tend to.

Here's to another great week!


See the seven Manns! said...

Great job Michelle! Keep going! You can do it!

Stephani said...

You're doing great - and you are right, "giving up" will never get you to a goal. Just keep at it :)

Anonymous said...

I love to read your blogs! I have also been on the wt watchers roller coaster. Up a pound down a pound ..... But I can say that since November 8 th, I have lost over 13 lbs total. That is 100 percent more than I lost in all my 10 years of wanting to lose wt but doing nothing about it. Good job by keeping yourself accountable. Remember... Nothing worth having is going to come easy. Love you!