Take some of the special printed duct tape and cut strips. Layer the strips vertically as you work your way around the egg. Smoothing out the pieces as you go.
Using a similar method as the duct tape idea above, cut strips of fabric and use Modge Podge to apply the strips around the egg. Coat with 1-2 layers of Modge Podge to seal it up.
Rather than take the time to paint a chevron print on the egg, use ric-rac and hot glue it around the egg horizontally.
Using a paint pen in a fine tip, decorate your egg with images or patterns. I scoured my magazines to find inspiration for different designs to use.
Chalkboard paint comes in spray cans... did you know that? I gave my eggs a few coats of chalk board paint and then they were ready to go! Draw on a cute Easter graphic and it's all set.
Using scrapbooking glue dots, apply glue dots randomly over the egg. Using a tray, sprinkle on or roll in microfine glitter. Blow or brush away glitter between the dots. {if the glitter is stubborn in coming off the egg where you don't want it, use a damp q-tip to wipe away glitter from between the glue dots.}
Go to town drawing random designs using a fine tip sharpie marker. The more intricate the better! Just pretend you're back in middle school and doodling on your folder *wink*
This one turned out to be one of my fave's. If you're not familiar with the "steam punk" movement, just google it or head to Pinterest to see what it's all about. I describe it as industrial meets brothel. Think black lace, gears, chains & wings. Use found objects and create something totally punk-tastic!
Basically, think outside the box. Search your craft closet or a crafting store for objects to use to decorate your eggs. The skys the limit!
The WLUK Fox 11 THRIFTY THURSDAY story is just below:
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